At Atria, employment relationships are long-lasting and investments into people’s skills considerable. Atria’s HR team organises personnel training with a big heart and proven tools.
When the mapping of a new online eLearning environment commenced at Atria in 2018, there were numerous criteria. One of the criteria important for the Finnish food giant was Finland-based operation. In addition, HR needed an easy-to-use tool for arrangement of our training courses. At the same time, needs-based assistance with technical adjustments and contents was important.
Eventually, we arrived at an online tool instead of a learning environment. Builder has proven to be a good solution for both training providers and participants.
Kaija Ketola-Annala, HRD Manager, Atria
In connection with the commissioning, Apprix arranged Builder user training for some 20 Atria employees, including Ketola-Annala and Tytti Isokangas, Personnel Development Expert.
Induction for summer employees, induction and in-service training for managers, and online courses common for all on occupational safety, information security, responsibility, and product safety, for example – Atria’s Builder training system is not only comprehensive, but also of high quality. This is real proof of investment in people and expertise.
Builder has proven to be a practical tool for us, since its operating logic is easy to understand, Isokangas says.
Tytti Isokangas, HR Specialist, Atria
Atria’s own Builder fans
Atria’s first Builder training related to the induction of summer employees in spring 2019. It was arranged by Apprix. The support of Apprix’s content production and Builder development team has also been used afterwards, but Atria’s own personnel primarily create the contents.
At present, there are even some Builder fans among the people creating the training courses, Isokangas says and laughs.
At Atria, Isokangas is the Builder training support person and the final instance asked to go through the pedagogy and structure of courses created by others before the release. Motivation and knowledge internalisation are issues important for Isokangas. Both she and Ketola-Annala have strong HRD experience and a humanistic approach to work:
For us, Builder is primarily a learning tool, not so much a technical solution
Builder as part of Atria’s learning environment
At Atria, Builder is being integrated into the Sympa HR system.
Builder’s statistics are of great value to us: each online course completed is registered in our system, which means that we can monitor course performances, Ketola-Annala says.
For example, about a thousand people take induction courses at Atria, but the actual number varies from course to course.
The trainings are becoming self-sustained: There are multiple requests for new courses also from outside the actual project team. The tool has proven its worth, which is great, Isokangas emphasizes.
External videographers and educational institutions have been involved as co-operation partners in the creation of training courses at Atria. For example, a short course on the special diets offered by the staff canteen was the final project of a Bachelor’s degree student.
Atria’s hybrid model: On-site training and web courses
In the training of Atria’s personnel, the hybrid model consisting of digital training courses in parallel with on-site training is preferred. According to Ketola-Annala, this ensures compliance with Atria’s spirit and continuous learning:
Reinforcement of the things learned through Builder training courses supports the hybrid model well – and the feedback from the participants is also important for the whole.
The COVID-19 era has not influenced Atria’s training topics in itself, but the significance of digital training has been on the rise.
The Builder tool is easy to adopt, and selling the about 30-minute Builder training courses to the participants is easy, since the courses can be taken anywhere and anytime – even using your cell phone, Ketola-Annala sums up.
Apprix Builder is just an example of how Atria invests in continuous learning with an emphasis on pedagogy, motivation, and development.
TOP 3 Builder features in Atria:
1. Apprix Builder is a tool for making professional online training courses. Builder can be used to create courses that take into account the corporate image. The courses are visual, functional, and support learning pedagogically. The accumulating course performance data also allows monitoring.
2. For the best professional results, take the time to learn Builder’s operational logic properly. Builder is an easy-to-use and straightforward tool. The user training arranged by Apprix’s Builder team has been the key to creating excellent courses.
3. Co-operation with Apprix’s Builder team has been trouble-free. Our questions have always been answered and all of our problems resolved. Our development ideas and company-specific needs have also been listened to with a keen ear and always accepted with enthusiasm. The co-working spirit has been truly strong!