Online training has gained great popularity in recent years, and its efficiency and effectiveness have attracted interest from companies in various fields. In this blog post, we have collected reasons why you too should jump into the new age of learning.
1. Interactive learning environments
We offer a modern and interactive learning environment, which you can use to make learning exciting and engaging. Learners practice skills with the help of authentic situation scenarios and questions related to practical working life and receive immediate feedback on their answers.
2. Personal guidance and support
From Apprix you get personal guidance and support in the most difficult places. We also offer sparring help from experienced content producers and also content production tailored to your needs. Members of our multidisciplinary team are ready to help and answer your questions, whether it’s technical or content-related. Experts provide valuable feedback and advice to help you progress in your learning and achieve your goals. Sometimes it is best to order the whole package ready-made from us. Contact our sales team in case you are interested in the ready-made package.
3. We train Builder experts for your company
We offer usage and content production training to support our customers. In the user training, you will learn the basics of creating a Builder online training and the technical implementation. In content production training, we go deeper into creating high-quality and pedagogically effective training. We go through the most important steps of starting content production and the secrets of inclusive content production.
4. Greater participation and better concentration
Online education opens the doors to learning for everyone, regardless of time or place. Statistics show that online education promotes higher levels of participation and better focus on learning. According to a meta-analysis conducted by the US Department of Education, students who receive online education achieve better results on average than those who receive traditional education. This may be because learners can study in an environment that suits them, with fewer distractions. In addition, online training offers more opportunities to tailor the learning process to your own needs.
5. Ensuring competence
When you want to make sure of the learner’s competence, you can add a final exam and a score as a condition for passing. In addition to or instead of the final exam, you can place questions in different places in the training. You can also add a certificate to the training, which shows the courses completed by the learner and the skills acquired.
6. Cost-effectiveness
Online education is often a cost-effective alternative to traditional classroom instruction. You can share the link to the training to as many participants as needed, and everyone completes the course at a time that suits them. The employer does not have to think about organizing the training space or organizing the work during the training.
Interesting numbers in support of online training
According to a research report by Facts & Factors, employee engagement increased by 18% in companies that actively used online training
72% of the companies that participated in the study believed that online trainings help them maintain their competitiveness
ThinkImpact has stated in its research report that with the help of online training, learners were able to absorb 25% to 60% more information compared to classroom teaching.

Henni Turkia-Tiensuu
Content & Communications Manager
Apprix Oy
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