Have you already familiarized yourself with our new training for eLearning content creators? The training offers a unique opportunity for learning new ways to create online trainings with the Builder tool. The training gives you the skills to design contents that meet the needs of your company. Whether you’re building a diversity training or workplace orientation, or helping employees to acquire new skills and update their knowledge, we got you covered. Read on to find out more from our training package!

Encourage employees to take an active role in their learning

Inclusive education is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the active nature of learners

participation in the learning process. In inclusive education, the educational factor acts as a learning agent as a supporter and facilitator, offering the learner opportunities to express their thoughts, challenge themselves and participate in the creation of knowledge.

They become more active learners who are ready to explore topics more deeply and to develop their own learning.

There are several practical ways to implement inclusive online education. You can use problem-solving tasks, playfulness and opinions in the training. You can also create tasks that are used for mapping experiences and opinions. This kind of content allows learners to take an active role in learning.

Participatory content encourages learners to take responsibility for their own learning, to develop

skills and create meaningful connections between learning and everyday life. Inclusive education creates the basis for the holistic development of learners and prepares them for success to face the challenges of the future.

Rise to a new era of learning

With our one and a half hour training, you will learn…

  • to create engaging content
  • to utilize already existing material
  • use the Builder tool like a pro

We tailor the training to your needs and can, for example, go through the Builder tool from the beginning. The training is carried out remotely, so the number of participants is not limited. We take into account the possible differences in the skill levels of the participants and offer interesting content for beginners as well as experienced content creators.

The training teaches you how to implement inspiring learning materials, such as interactive exercises, designing a case assignment and using video in online training.

Our training offers you a unique opportunity to learn new things and develop your skills. Grab it the opportunity and let our professionals open up new perspectives in the world of online education. Contact the sales team and join the black belt Builder pros!

Henni Turkia-Tiensuu

Content & Communications Manager

Apprix Oy