In the event of a crisis, your company’s performance is tested. Efficient induction is now more important than ever, be it about sudden transition to teleworking, clarification of internal communication and corporate culture, or training new employees.
Many companies have utilised remote working for a long time, but in the midst of COVID-19 crisis, working from home has taken on new proportions. Remote working can be strengthened through various online training courses and inductions; in addition to learning, these enable gathering information about the employees’ experiences, opinions, or tips, for example.
It must be possible to manage extensive remote working so that the employees are able to excel rather than stagnate under the exceptional circumstances.
Our Sales Manager Martin Björksten
The training events normally arranged on-site should now be moved to the web, in order to keep the contacts minimal. Apprix can transfer training in your company online, based on our solid experience and professionalism. We have worked out a step-by-step procedure for moving training courses to the web; with the help of these tips, we can satisfy all of your online training needs together.
What kind of training needs does your company have?
Is live training currently taking place in your company, or would there be a need for such training, but you want to avoid contacts? Training conventionally arranged on-site can be made more cost-effective, flexible, and pedagogically integral if transferred to the web. Online training also enables interactive learning that supports deeper internalisation of the contents learned.
With new ways of operation, mapping of new training needs is more important than ever.
Is there a need in your company for specification of teleworking procedures or sharing of tips on the working methods? What about communication? Do the employees know how to respond to any interview requests or other external inquiries? What to do when a colleague shows symptoms of COVID-19? The importance of clear procedures and common rules, as well as the meaning of strong personal leadership cannot be overemphasized under such exceptional circumstances.
Let’s think some more – would collecting statistics be useful?
The Builder tool can be used for statistics based on data accumulated through training courses. Through the service, you can have access to performance reports indicating, for example, user competence profiles, user feedback, and ideas and visions collected from users. Each Builder course can be adapted for integration into different systems, which means that the performance reports can be sent to the Intranet, LMS system, HR systems, databases and many other information systems.
Contact Apprix and tell us your needs
We will provide you with tailored solutions and training customized to your company’s needs. You can order a full service package from Apprix, which includes the necessary planning meetings, planning and implementation of contents, and testing of the final product. The planning of contents covers the planning of tasks, texts, graphics, and images according to your requirements.
If you have a pre-existing training course that you would like to migrate to the web, we can create a new course based on the existing materials. We can also work together on completely new training topics and our content producers can tailor any course to your specific needs.
Martin Björksten, our Sales Manager, is there to help you steer your company through these difficult times with flying colours. You can reach Martin at +358 40 706 3871 or by email at