Now is a good time to pay attention to how employees who speak different languages are included in your company and how your workplace is able to make sure that everyone has understood the important course and induction contents the same way.
Did you know that we at Apprix can implement courses in different languages? When a course has first been built using one language like Finnish or English, we can deliver a translation template which makes it easy to fill in each translated text in its correct place either by your company or by using a translation agency.
Translation templates enable Apprix to easily and quickly create different language versions directly to your company’s use! Just as easily your company can create language versions independently using Apprix Builder. If using Apprix Builder is not familiar to you yet, Apprix’s skilled content creators are happy to help.
The entire company will benefit when everyone is learning equally
There are many different benefits with language versions – naturally, everyone learns best using their own native language, and it’s also the only way you can make sure that everyone has definitely understood for example GDPR, safety and onboarding courses and inductions the same way.
Even when the company’s official language is English, which everyone usually understands, it is useful to offer, for example, legal courses in several languages. That is an easy way to ensure that the business strategy with all its secrets has been comprehended correctly and in the same way, which helps to minimize mistakes that may risk or compromise the business.

Employee experience increases with multi-lingual courses
Employees feel included and noticed in a remarkable way when all the courses and inductions regarding their jobs are available in their own native language. This increases employee experience as well as commitment to the employer. Employees will notice that they matter and that the company wants to include and integrate them properly within the company.
At the same time the employer can feel relieved in knowing that employees speaking various languages know how to act correctly in different situations regarding their day-to-day work. Moreover, with Apprix Builder the employer can easily keep track that every employee has taken the courses that are essential concerning their jobs. With Apprix Builder different courses and inductions can all be found in the same place where they are also easier to manage and update.

Happy learning, regardless of the language!

Anni Immonen
Content Designer
Apprix Oy