The inclusive online training common for everyone promotes occupational safety. We have about 20 years of experience in digital personnel training and the same objective as our customers – zero accidents at work.
When a customer brings up the subject of occupational safety training, the first questions are often related to industry- or company-specific priorities. To challenges and opportunities that are being focused on in the company. To risks that might be related to individual processes, but which are also essential for the entire business.
Often, the starting point is that huge resources have been sacrificed on the company’s safety training, but the results are poor or uncertain. Each induction is a burden for the supervisors: training materials and implementation methods vary. In the worst case, the general occupational safety level is impaired, competence is not assured and even grave occupational accidents become possible. This in turn leads to an even greater need for training, perpetual insufficiency of resources and inadequate quality of training.
On this figurative treadmill, the idea of a unified, motivating, and practical occupational safety training for everyone seems nothing but perfect. Unified content and proven training for an unlimited number of people, anywhere, anytime.
Occupational safety has been among the key subjects of Apprix personnel training courses ever since 2001. Along hundreds of safety training courses, we have accumulated information on changing procedures, different fields and work sites in relation to, for example, official guidelines, quality standards, and legislative provisions.
What are the first steps when planning a functional occupational safety training course?
1. What are the concrete and measurable objectives?
Mere personnel training is not sufficient as the objective of occupational safety training. How will training contribute to the zero accident objective in the trainee’s everyday work? What safety aspects are significant, how to strengthen both individual responsibility and the company’s common agenda at the same time? At Apprix, we ensure learning and understanding by using case examples to simulate real life situations at work. Familiar operating environments and daily work situations attract the trainees’ attention and motivate them to internalise safety aspects. And when the objective is to improve the trainee’s understanding and practical skills, achievement of the goals can be measured.
2. For whom the training is intended?
Target group awareness ensures that the message is delivered as efficiently as possible. At Apprix, we value pedagogy, since in safety matters, understanding is for the benefit of both the individual and organisation. Because of this, Apprix Builder® training courses address the user on a personal level. We pay attention to different learners at work sites or offices. For example, in case of multilingual staff, visuality and digital perception tools are the Alpha and Omega of comprehension. If necessary, we create training courses in different language versions and include additional tasks based on different jobs, for example.
3. How does training promote interaction?
Good training is inclusive and gathers feedback. This allows collection of huge amounts of data from the participants and efficient mapping of individual occupational safety observations or near misses important from the viewpoint of development work, for example. On the other hand, the focus of statistics is on ensuring learning and measuring of the results. With the help of integrations, it is made sure that the performance records of Builder training courses can be reviewed up-to-date in the HR system, for example, and information on training passed can be input to systems related to access control or containing confidential information. This way, a single piece of information can be utilised in several critical systems of an organisation without compromising data security.
Efficient occupational safety training – thousands of ways, a single objective
There are limitless possibilities for implementation: The progress of planning depends on the target group and objectives, field of activity, the company’s value base and operation culture, the integrations and functions desired, standards, and legal aspects.
Cover your partners as well: Safety training can also be shared with the company’s co-operation partners – for example, cleaning or real estate maintenance staff who should follow common instructions for optimal safety.
In addition to the tips provided, I would consider the following objective as a common factor: ZERO ACCIDENTS AT WORK. It is a strong message to both the company’s personnel and outsiders: We care about people here.

Mikko Eskelinen
Managing Partner
Apprix Oy
Tel. +358 40 078 7738
mikko.eskelinen (a)
Did you know?
If information about occupational safety is provided in the form of an online training course, you can choose the time and place you prefer. Thus, digitalisation is part of user-friendliness, just as Builder’s other aids: interaction, motivation, and pedagogically designed structure.
In other words, the operation method we have adopted, which is aimed at understanding and internalization of knowledge through practice, with intelligible tools and measurable results.
Book a demo from us!
How is occupational safety being promoted in your company? Could an inclusive online training common for all be a step towards the zero accidents objective?
It is never too early to invest in occupational safety – book a demo from us today!